Modding Kerbalism’s Radiation Models


Radiation Model

A RadiationModel defines the signed distance function parameters that determine the shapes of the inner belt, outer belt and magnetopause. The model can be assigned to one or more celestial bodies using RadiationBody.

The inner belt is a torus. The a radius defines the distance from the section center to the origin. The b radius defines the radius of the section.

The outer belt is the boolean subtraction of a torus with another torus. The second torus is equal to the first, except for the fact that the b radius is reduced by a border factor. This in turn is not constant everywhere but fades from the outer_border_start at the origin to the outer_border_end at the domain boundary.

The magnetopause is simply a sphere, possibly deformed along the body->star vector to define a magnetotail.

All values are in body radii.

name Unique name for the radiation model  
has_inner True if the model has an inner radiation belt false
inner_dist Inner belt torus a radius  
inner_radius Inner belt torus b radius  
inner_compression Deform space along the body->star vector, in direction of the star 1.0
inner_extension Deform space along the body->star vector, in opposite direction of the star 1.0
inner_quality Quality of border for rendering purposes, only influence pre-computation time 30.0
inner_deform Deform the surface using a sum of sine waves 0.0
has_outer True if the model has an outer radiation belt false
outer_dist Outer belt torus a radius  
outer_radius Outer belt torus b radius  
outer_compression Deform space along the body->star vector, in direction of the star 1.0
outer_extension Deform space along the body->star vector, in opposite direction of the star 1.0
outer_border_start Outer belt border extension at the origin 0.1
outer_border_end Outer belt border extension at the domain boundary 1.0
outer_deform Deform the surface using a sum of sine waves 0.0
outer_quality Quality of border for rendering purposes, only influence pre-computation time 40.0
has_pause True if the model has a magnetopause false
pause_radius Magnetopause radius  
pause_compression Deform space along the body->star vector, in direction of the star 1.0
pause_extension Deform space along the body->star vector, in opposite direction of the star 1.0
pause_height_scale Deform space along the magnetic axis vector 1.0
pause_deform Deform the surface using a sum of sine waves 0.0
pause_quality Quality of border for rendering purposes, only influence pre-computation time 20.0

Radiation Body

The RadiationBody associates a RadiationModel to a celestial body and defines the radiation contribution inside the zones delimited by the signed distance function. Radiation values in a zone can be negative, that is usually the case for a magnetopause’s contribution.

name Name of the celestial body  
model Name of the RadiationModel associated  
radiation_inner Radiation contribution inside the inner belt, in rad/h  
radiation_outer Radiation contribution inside the outer belt, in rad/h  
radiation_pause Radiation contribution inside the magnetopause, in rad/h  
reference Index of the body used to determine radiation fields orientation 0

Radiation is computed at a point by walking the body chain and summing all contributions for that point from all the fields overlapping with that point. When the top of the chain is reached the radiation value parameter ExternRadiation from the Settings file is added.